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September's issue addresses BOI Reporting Deadline and Employee Retention Credit Update
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
Who needs to file the BOI and when it is due
Department of Labor makes it harder to hire contractors
How the Supreme Court can impact your buy-sell agreements
February's issue addresses Estimated Tax Penalties and The Annual IRS Dirty Dozen List
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
This year's top 12 tax scams and avoidance schemes to avoid
Tax implications for selling qualified improvement property (QIP)
How to avoid paying the estimated tax penalties (how much to pay)
December's issue addresses Net Investment Income Taxes and Start-Up Deductions for Rental Properties
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
Corporate Transparency Act going into effect 01/01/2024
Reducing or avoiding Net Investment Income Tax
What can and cannot be included in "start-up" costs
May's issue addresses Tax Credits for Electric Vehicles and Basic Estate Planning
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
The new clean vehicle credit is available through 2032, up to $7500
You can amend your living trust as circumstances change
Using Family Loans to Secure Better Home Loan Interest Rates
April's issue addresses the $75 Rule for Business Expenses and Taking Advantage of HSA-To-IRA Rollover
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
If I Hire My Kids, Can I Give Them Tax-Free Education Benefits?
The $75 rule and its limitations to avoid negative consequences
The 10 percent ownership test
March's issue addresses Holding Real Property in a Corporation and Edits to '23 Meals & Entertainment
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
Exemption from the capital loss deduction limitation
Issues related to health insurance deductions for S corporations
Holding Real Property in a Corporation: Good or Bad Idea?
February's issue addresses 2023 Health Insurance for S Corporation Owners and the SECURE 2.0 Act
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
Latest developments in 2023 Health Insurance for S Corporations
SECURE 2.0 Act Creates New Tax Strategies for RMDs
Plan Your Passive Activity Losses for Tax-Deduction Relevance
January's issue addresses debt cancellation, passive income streams, and real estate investment
This issue contains these insights and tax-saving tips:
When Cancellation of Debt Income Can Be Tax-Free
Is Airbnb Rental Income Subject to Self-Employment Tax?
How to Section 1031 Exchange into a Delaware Statutory Trust